
you can add more translations to your app by using langs(){} method on the Resource class

Use in Resource

inside your ResourceFolder/Traits you will get a trait for transitions Transaltion.php you can add more translation to it

public function loadTranslations(): array
    return [
        "index" => __("{{ headerTranslationName }}"),
        "create" => __('Create ' . "{{ fieldsTranslationName }}"),
        "bulk" => __('Delete Selected ' . "{{ fieldsTranslationName }}"),
        "edit_title" => __('Edit ' . "{{ fieldsTranslationName }}"),
        "create_title" => __('Create New ' . "{{ fieldsTranslationName }}"),
        "view_title" => __('View ' . "{{ fieldsTranslationName }}"),
        "delete_title" => __('Delete ' . "{{ fieldsTranslationName }}"),
        "bulk_title" => __('Run Bulk Action To ' . "{{ fieldsTranslationName }}"),

Use in Provider

you can use the Lang::class direct on the provider by using VILT::class like


it will pass the users.sidebar to the vuejs inside this.$attrs.data.trans array

Last updated