
e are build a settings plugin using spatie-laravel-settings so you can use full package feature by creating the setting class and migration and we will help you to generate a page for it


composer require queents/settings-module

Add Module to modules_statuses.json if not exists

    "Settings": true

Make a migration

php artisan migrate

Publish Assets

npm i & npm run build


yarn & yarn build

Setting Page Generator

to create a new settings page you can use this command

php artisan vilt:setting

and put the setting name like SiteMap and your Module name

go to Modules/YourModuleName/Database/Migrations and you will get the main setting migration set your values

go to Modules/YourModuleName/Settings and add your settings as a public vars and set the group name

go to Modules/YourModuleName/Pages and you will get the settings Page edit the rows to be your selected rows type

Setting Class

the page Setting class will be look like this

class GeneralSettings extends Settings
    public string $site_name;

    public bool $site_active;

    public static function group(): string
        return 'general';

Setting Migration

This command will create a new file in Modules/ModuleName/Database/Migrations where you can add the properties and their default values:

use Spatie\LaravelSettings\Migrations\SettingsMigration;

class CreateGeneralSettings extends SettingsMigration
    public function up(): void
        $this->migrator->add('general.site_name', 'Spatie');
        $this->migrator->add('general.site_active', true);

We add the properties site_name and site_active here to the general group with values Spatie and true. More on migrations later

You should migrate your database to add the properties:

php artisan migrate

now you are ready for a settings page

Settings page

our generator generate a Setting Page for you to view your settings and update it


namespace Modules\Settings\Pages;

use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Modules\Base\Helpers\Resources\Menu;
use Modules\Base\Helpers\Resources\Row;
use Modules\Base\Helpers\Resources\Setting;
use Modules\Settings\Settings\GoogleSettings;
use Modules\Settings\Settings\SitesSettings;

namespace Modules\Settings\Pages;

use Modules\Base\Helpers\Resources\Row;
use Modules\Base\Services\Rows\Email;
use Modules\Base\Services\Rows\Media;
use Modules\Base\Services\Rows\Repeater;
use Modules\Base\Services\Rows\Tel;
use Modules\Base\Services\Rows\Text;
use Modules\Base\Services\Rows\Textarea;
use Modules\Settings\Services\Setting;
use Modules\Settings\Settings\SitesSettings;

class SiteSettingsPage extends Setting {

    public ?string $setting = SitesSettings::class;
    public ?bool $api = true;
    public ?string $path = "site_settings";
    public ?string $group = "Settings";
    public ?string $icon = "bx bxs-cog";

    public  function rows(): array
        return [
            Text::make('site_name')->label(__('Site Name')),
            Text::make('site_description')->label(__('Site Description')),
            Text::make('site_keywords')->label(__('Site Keywords')),
            Media::make('site_profile')->label(_('Site Profile')),
            Media::make('site_logo')->label(__('Site Logo')),
            Text::make('site_author')->label(__('Site Author')),
            Textarea::make('site_address')->label(__('Site Address'))->type('textarea'),
            Email::make('site_email')->label(__('Site Email'))->type('email'),
            Tel::make('site_phone')->label(__('Site Phone'))->type('tel'),
            Text::make('site_phone_code')->label(_('Site Phone Code')),
            Text::make('site_location')->label(__('Site Location')),
            Text::make('site_currency')->label(__('Site Currency')),
            Text::make('site_language')->label(__('Site Language')),
            Repeater::make('site_social')->label(__('Site Social'))->type('repeater')->options([
            Repeater::make('site_menu')->label(__('Site Menu'))->type('repeater')->options([


it will generate a full settings page for you.

you can generate 'Action', 'Widget', 'Modal' and use it on the Setting Page like a Resource

Settings Helpers

we build a helper function for settings you can use it very simple


this method take a key of setting and return the payload of it


it's take the value of money and return it on the money format

Last updated