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Payment Services Integrations & Management Module for VILT Framework
You can install the package via composer:
Install the package
and now clear cache
you have 4 facade methods
Payments table has order_id ,order_table morph relation
maybe you have orders table for customers and vendor_orders for vendors
Payments table has model_id ,model_table morph relation
maybe you have users table for customers and vendors table for vendors
name and description columns are json format to allow you to use spatie translation if you want
We have a facade class that use payment services as explained in how to use after that payment use factory pattern to fill payment methods from DB if it's available with it's integrations and have return payment instance for given payment id from request.
We have 2 traits that you can use where ever you want
This trait has post method using GuzzleHttp tacks uri ,data as parameters and public variables timeout as integer and header as array contain default header so you can change it from out side from the trait
Tacks only response and payload and store them as json